Objective: xxxxx
2011.01-2015.12 UNIVERSITY OF ATLANTA Accounting Profession
Chartered Financial Analyst(level1), TOEIC(805),CET6(665)
GPA:3.8/4.0, XX scholarship
2015.09-2016.06 CANDY Company Sales Chair
Created and edited presentationles pitch to be given during webinars, and provided live-customer support during webinars
Manage recruitment strategy for sorority including designing marketing campaign to prospective pledges
Design themes for recruitment events that best reflected sorority‟s brand
2014.09-2015.06 51miz Company Advertising Sales
Planned two web-seminars: prospected list of potential customers
Built initial company relationship with each client
Gained direct sales experience through extensive training and client interaction
Conducted comprehensive market research and analysis of most recent data on health care systems and markets of 12 EU nations & Canada phar
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